i love you so much, red

Welcome to Circles(), the fanlisting for the videogame Transistor (and upcoming, someday-eventually tribute). Made by Supergiant Games, Transistor is an aesthetically beautiful game with a rich soundtrack and a battle system that I, a turn based lover, can get behind. That or the story of Red and her gentleman love destroyed me, either works.

Transistor is availible to pick up on PS4 and Steam, as well as iOS - if you haven't been exposed to this heartbreaker of a game, I'd thoroughly recommend setting aside a box of tissues and experiencing it for yourself.

Seeing as you're here already, if you happen to be a fan of Transistor, why not consider joining us? You can find the navigation below - just scroll to the bottom. See you in the country.


This fanlisting was last updated on 14th June 2024 and is managed by Enthusiast. There are 16 members from 6 countries, with 0 member(s) waiting to be added. The newest member of the fanlisting is Cat.


If you would like to become a affiliate, I will accept any Supergiant related fanlistings, or, anything else released by a minor studio. Thanks a bunch! Please e-mail Rems with the details if you're interested.


Site & Layout © Rems. Textures from Skyline Illusions. Transistor © Supergiant.